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Note: This article originally appeared in Emily’s column, Own It. You’re running a successful business, but you can’t seem to leverage enough time to scale it, let alone enjoy enough freedom away from it. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. While most articles will lead you to believe the key to having it all is […]
Note: This article originally appeared in Emily’s column, Own It. You’re running a successful business, but you can’t seem to leverage enough time to scale it, let alone enjoy enough freedom away from it. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. While most articles will lead you to believe the key to having it all is […]
You’ve heard the saying, “All publicity is good publicity,” but that’s not the case with politics where you can quickly alienate a significant portion of your customers. This blog was originally published in 2019, leading up to the most polarizing election my generation, perhaps our country, has experiened. Most of this is still relevant and […]
*Hello! Yes, there’s a really valuable, 23-minute exclusive interview with Ramit Sethi at the bottom of this post. If you came here via Entrepreneur and you want to jump right in, just scroll down. Enjoy! If you’re interested in my biggest takeaways from interviewing Ramit, read on! I’ve mentioned before that I don’t subscribe […]
Like many millennial entrepreneurs, I’ve had the luxury of running a business in a very strong economy. I launched HAPPY PR, a boutique public relations and marketing agency, in 2012 after transitioning from my first career as a TV news reporter. I lucked out back then and landed that job as a new college graduate […]
If you read about my goal for this year (which happened to be one of my most popular posts!), you know that I’m all about finding ways to do less while accomplishing more in 2016. And one of the biggest challenges I face with this, is saying yes to requests or invitations when I really want to […]
I asked my Amplified Entrepreneur email group what they would like to learn next on my blog and this was, hands down, the most popular request! (you can join the email list at the bottom of this post). I think most personal brands or entrepreneurs can relate to this problem: you are good at what you do… […]
Today I want to talk about something that can be really empowering, but also a bit taboo… I’m talking about money! I’ve been wanting to share on this topic for a while because, I believe, especially as women entrepreneurs, we need to normalize money talk. We need to celebrate our financial wins. Share in our financial struggles. And empower each other to charge our […]
When it comes to PR and publicity, a lot of entrepreneurs and small businesses are stuck in that place where they’re too busy to manage their own public relations and marketing but also can’t afford to hire a firm or publicist- yet. So, I’m sharing a tip that will jump start publicity for your business while generating a rewarding return on your […]