where motherhood meets preparation, confidence & resilience 

Mama BearSurvival Blog

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How did Lucinda Cramsey make it onto Shark Tank? And how has she adjusted to being a high profile business while still living a small town life? What steps has she taken to scale her business?     On this episode of The Amplify Show I’m talking with friend and fellow entrepreneur, Lucinda Cramsey. She […]

Episode 7: Scaling, Shark Tank, & Steaks with MOINK Founder Lucinda Cramsey

the latest

My guest on this podcast episode is Katie Richardson, speaker, coach, innovator, mom and global entrepreneur super-star. It wasn’t always this way for Katie, and we discuss how she went from a stay-at-home mom, unsure of herself and her abilities, to the owner of a multi-million dollar global business featured everywhere from Target to Ellen […]

Episode 5: The Powerful Journey to a Multimillion Dollar Business with Katie Richardson

Amplify Podcast

On this episode of The AMPLIFY Show I am talking with the Mindful Mama Mentor, Hunter Clarke-Fields. Hunter teaches mindfulness and peaceful parenting techniques to help us become more enjoyable, less irritable parents.      We talk about the importance of accepting each moment, practicing skills, and giving ourselves a break. Hunter shares about feeling […]

Episode 4: Embracing Mindfulness in Parenting and Life with the Mindful Mama Mentor, Hunter Clarke-Fields

Amplify Podcast

In this episode of The AMPLIFY Show, I’m taking you back to two and a half years ago in my business, right about the time when I made a pivotal shift to start intentionally growing with a team. If you’re stuck in the day to day of your business, and not sure where to start […]

The AMPLIFY Show is here to shine a spotlight on inspiring people doing incredible things, to help you amplify your business, and your life. In episode 1 of The AMPLIFY Show I am talking with Alex Charfen, business coach extraordinaire and author of The Entrepreneurial Personality Type.      Alex has a history of taking […]

Episode 1: The Entrepreneurial Personality Type and Being in Momentum with Alex Charfen

Amplify Podcast

When you hear the term minimalism, you might think of the tiny house craze, starting a capsule wardrobe, purging your sock drawer, or the overall pursuit of living with less. A successful business with a growing team and multiple revenue streams isn’t the first thing to come to mind. But for two entrepreneurs known as […]

How Less is More in Business and Life: An Interview with The Minimalists

Motherhood + Life

One of the only aspects of a traditional job that some of my girlfriends have that I envy is a proper maternity leave. It would be amazing to completely drop everything and to not think about work for 12 weeks while snuggling a sweet newborn. On the other hand, I can’t imagine then leaving my baby and […]

If you read about my goal for this year (which happened to be one of my most popular posts!), you know that I’m all about finding ways to do less while accomplishing more in 2016. And one of the biggest challenges I face with this, is saying yes to requests or invitations when I really want to […]

The Little Word with BIG Impact: How to Say ‘No’
